Embroidered blue pseudo-silk ("Belvedere Federal Blue") - 26' 10" long, 59" wide - very little gathering/bunching
brown gauze - 5' 9" long, 59" wide
brown chenille/ultrasuede/velvet/what-have-you - ? - 10" panels on either side of the blue on the east/8" on the south, to bunched/gathered 2.5 x the width
curtain backing for blue panels - 26' 10" long
curtain backing for brown panels - ?
Velvet/velvetine/velour/chenille brown panels on the sides, the same material as rod pockets, and central panels made of opaque blue embroidered "silk" on the bottom and super-sheer brown gauze at the top.
- All to be hung on the same rod
- The brown panels to overlap the blue panels slightly (by an inch or so?) and sewn in place at the rod pocket only
- To be lined (to help with insulation)
- The south-facing window to have a second rod with an opaque sheet hung on it that can be pulled behind the brown-and-blue for extra insulation/sun-blocking in the summer--probably to be made of same brown velvet/velour/chenille
- To hang with about 1/2" clearance above window seat--to keep them out of cats' way
- blue panels to hang flat; brown to be more crunched
- 3 windows need curtains in the above pattern; door window to have a gathered sheet of the fuzzy brown stretched between 2 rods.

Closeup of rod we'll be using--obviously in need of improved finial. Note that curtains--unlike old sheets--will hang via pockets, not clamps.
Shopping List
- brown fuzzy fabric--2.5 x 10” of brown per side—consider ultrasuede. 2.5" x 8” per side for the side panels on south window
- sheer brown gauze
- lining fabric for blue sections - confer with someone at Calico Corner
- lining fabric for brown panels - ditto
- 3' x 3/4" black rod for south window
- (2) small 2' rods for window in door
- ? spools - blue thread
- ? spools - brown thread
- other curtain-related items I know not of?
Mom's Questions
For the south side door and window-
- Are we doing the same treatment with the 2 sheers on both of these windows? WINDOW ONLY—for door, use gathered door curtain
- What fabric are you planning to use for the rod pocket for the south side? I am asking this because your drawing for the east side shows the brown fabric being used for the rod pocket. YES
- Your blog for today says that the side brown panels will slightly overlap the center, sheer panel. I don't know how we can accomplish that since they are both on the same rod. SEW THEM OVER EACH OTHER 1-2 inches just over the rod pocket
- I am trying to remember the top sheer fabric. Is it the one that is a coordinate fabric to the blue fabric on the bottom? TOP FABRIC WILL BE SHEER BROWN; BENEATH IS BLUE.
Here are the window measurements we took last year.

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