Got paid Thursday. Halleluja! Time to buy some pond plants!
You'll remember that we already had one pond plant, a 'Full Eclipse' Louisiana iris.
Now we've also got some for filtering and oxygenating (the workhorses) and some for prettiness (the divas).
Shelf plants:
-- Variegated sweet flag - Acorus calamus 'Variegatus'
-- Aquatic mint - Mentha aquatica
-- Creeping jenny - Lysimachia nummularia
-- Water clover - Marselia mutica
Submerged filter plants:
-- some handfuls of water poppy - Hydrocleys nymphoides
-- some handfuls of hornwort - Ceratophyllum sp.
-- some handfuls of Elodea canadensis
-- Blue pickerel - Pontederia chordata
-- Thalia dealbata (2. Because they're so pretty.)
-- a nameless tropical waterlily (d'oh! I had meant to only buy hardies-$$-but I pulled from the wrong tank-$$$)
This was not a cheap trip to the pond store (especially not when one accidentally buys a tropical waterlily--they're $40 a pop!), but I doubt I've even got 10% of the surface of the pond covered with foliage. The internets (especially the sellers of pond plants--imagine that) recommend 50-70% coverage.
In other news, the Crinum x powellii is loaded with flowers. I like the decadent dangliness of its spent flowers. It makes me think of an antebellum lady of impeccable breeding with a habit of surreptitiously stepping out of an evening and returning in the wee hours with a rollicking hangover and love bites that she has to cover with her shawl. Refined yet simultaneously raffish. Elegant, but disreputable.
That pond is going to look gorgeous when your through. They don't really look their best until they mature a while.
If you wanted to drive to Lake Georgetown I would give you Red Stemmed Thalia, some other lily starts, a stunning Lotus,[you know how much those cost] and some gold fish. I haven't found a sucker, errr, I mean a beneficiary for all the extra stuff this year.
Thanks Bob! We'd love to! And we have some small roses and a few crinum bulbs we could trade, if you like. Are you free any time this weekend? And what's the best way to reach you?
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