There was a little lull between destruction and construction, but this evening we got after it. Since our vanity (big shocker) is a non-standard size, we had to order a custom top. The cheapest custom top was cultured marble, so that's what we got. It's not corian or granite, but I think it looks rather nice.
We also took the opportunity to replace the faucet, which was charmless and worn, with something new, gleaming, and stylish. We got a Price Pfister--ooo-la-la! In the grand scheme of all things faucetty, it's pretty chintzy (apparently, patrician types think nothing of shelling out upwards of $350 for a simple faucet), but by my standards it's all sleek and stylish, with its demode brushed nickle finish.
In any event, here the shiny new prettiness is. In the picture below, Matt's smearing the silicone caulk into any crannies. (Interesting side note: silicone caulking is the gooiest, stickiest, messiest caulk I've ever encountered--it's so oozy, yet adhesive. Yech.) Much remains to be done in the bathroom, but it's mostly a bunch of cosmetic stuff.
Progress continues to be made, comrades!
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