Matt's company went to the annual Texas Nurseryman and Landscaper's Association in San Antonio, and kindly allowed me to tag along.
It's always fun to see the hort industry showing off a little (this time, there were, among other things, two fountains--one a giant dolphin and the other a giant seahorse--standing about 18 feet apart and spitting great, arching streams of water into one anothers' basins. It was really... something. As Matt pointed out with an excitement that might not have been entirely genuine, People could get married under there.) Seahorses aside though, it wasn't quite as fun as last year. I couldn't decide if this was because I'd seen it all before, or if there really were slightly fewer interesting displays. Possibly a combination of the two. Still, there was much to absorb.
I was sorry not to see any of those funky green-and-purple petunias from last year (the "Petunia Sophistica"series, I think they were called), nor the unusually dark plumbago ('Imperial Blue'?) nor the yaupon holly that was meant to compete with 'Will Fleming.' (Ilex vomitoria 'Scarlet's Peak').
On the other hand, very cute Magnolia grandiflora 'Teddy Bear,' the new 'Little Gem' competitor, is still going strong. At least one grower is still pushing the nifty purple-leaved mimosa 'Summer Chocolate' (Albrizia julibrissen). And I saw a few vendors again sporting 'Summer Red' maples with their colorful new foliage, purported to grow everywhere.
Things that are new or caught my eye included:
- a weeping blue atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula'). Totally funky architectural fun--but not sure where I could put it. We're short on alpine plantings here at Chez M. I'm pretty sure that you have to train them to look like the pic--otherwise, they grow into huge formless Snuffuluffaguses.
- Agave neomexicana, a grey/fern-green New Mexico century plant.
- a thornless paloverde (X Parkinsonia--Matt particularly liked)
- 'Delta Jazz,' a crape myrtle with very dark purple leaves. Looked a bit droopy though--not sure how tough it is
- Weird, bowl-leaved 'Maraca Portulaca' (Portulaca molokiniensis)
- Gator aloe--species not given
- Purple verbena 'Royale Chambray'--might be good for the blue-and-purple bed
- a bronze loquat (Eriobotrya deflexa)--stiff, serrate leaves with bronzy new growth
- A cute little hen-n-chicks with purple leaf tips (Sempervivum tectorum--cultivar?)
- A lavender star tree (Grewia occidentalis) Never heard of this one before at all. Probably wouldn't live in Austin--was standing right next to a great big jacaranda. Sigh. I would dearly love to grow my own jacaranda...
- A river birch purported to grow in Austin, with the graceful name of 'Dura-heat.' I am skeptical, but if it I were a small, flop-eared animal, one of my ears would have perked up hopefully.
- Unhidden hidden lilies--who knew?!? These curcuma flowers stood proudly erect a good foot above their foliage. Gasp! One cultivar sported the a super-stylish green-and-purple color combo ('Choco Zebra').
- And a bunch of David Austin roses. According to their wholesale catalog, one of their three offices is located somewhere in "Texas, America." Where? Do they have display gardens? I would totally love to see. At present, we only have 'Graham Thomas' in our yard but I'd love some more--especially the sinfully fragrant 'Abraham Darby.'
- Dark, broody, scab-red antherium