Sunday, August 2, 2009

Here's What the Rain Did

My plants are confused. They languished through June and July, but now that it's August, they're all in bloom. I assume this is their response to getting something to drink. Never underestimate the miraculous power of water to make plants grow.

'Dark Purple' passionflower--it's got several big fat blooms on it and bunches of buds. I love this cultivar.

Indefatigable 'Green Ice' miniature. For some reason, it's turned faintly peachy of late. You just never know with roses.

A rather stressed 'Cramoisi Superiuer' rose

The last head of spiderlily flowers just fell apart, but we've got three new scapes full of buds. I do like a spiderlily--and it glows so prettily in the shade.

And, just because I'm that pleased with it, here's another shot of the passionflower.

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